Horror Stories: Harvest Hunt - Medieval horror mystery : Am Done With Horror Games Now - RGRD's

1 year ago

Hello and Welcome Back to Random Games Random Day's and In Today's Episode We Play Horror Stories: Harvest Hunt - Medieval horror mystery

Info: The village of Luna Nova is cursed by the looming shadow of the Devourer. The appointed Warden must use stealth, strategy, and handcrafted tools in order to survive against the emerging horrors of each night. Will you rise as the village’s salvation, or become the next victim of an endless hunt?

(My Review : This is Great and Very Difficult

(Try It Out For Yourself: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2009620/Horror_Stories_Harvest_Hunt__Medieval_horror_mystery/

Coming soon
Villainous Games Studio
Villainous Games Studio

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Stay safe and have a nice day or night and have toastie or a apple maybe even some orange juice need to keep up the vitamins bye bye see you next time. :]


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