They both had to delete their character - WoW Hardcore Challenge Highlights

1 year ago

#SeasonOfMastery #classicmoments #wotlk
#wow #wowclassic #wowhighlights #hardcore mode
hardcore death = delete
WoW Classic: World of Warcraft (WoW) Moments Hardcore Challenge

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Best Moments, Hardcore mode, compilation
#classicmoments #vanilla #highlights #wotlk
#wowwotlk #wowclassic #worldofwarcraft #SeasonOfMastery #ClassicSoM #WorldOfWarcraft
xaryu, snackybox, payo, guzu
world of warcraft classic gameplay, classic pvp, vanilla pvp, wow classic reactions, asmongold reacts, wow highlights, hardcore challenge, hardcore fails, ironman challenge, wow best moments classic, wotlk, wrath of the lich king

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