1 year ago

#DefendConstitution #DefendIsrael #DefeatMohammad DefeatKarlMarx

On Location: Tel Aviv, Israel

Dr. Lt. Colonel Mordechai Kedar, a subject matter expert on Middle Eastern geo-politics and culture, explains why the security of its borders defines EVERY state.

Syria, for example, lost control of its borders and its unique identity. Jihadis, criminals, and provocateurs overwhelmed its border from Turkey, forever changing Syrian culture for the worse.

Borders must remain secure for a country's culture to survive. President Biden's southern border policies are encouraging millions of illegal aliens to flood our border.

In Israel and America, illegal aliens are overwhelming and gaming our welfare system.

In Israel, the Supreme Court encouraged a mass movement of illegal African Muslims entry, resulting in mass violence. Large numbers of Muslim invaders from Eritrea are at this moment rioting in the streets of Israel. These invaders are rioting for the overthrow of the state of Israel. Israel must now deport these invaders or risk cultural decline.

Borders must remain secure for a country's culture to survive.

Dr. Kedar says, "Slaughtering the sacred cows of society is what George Soros' Open Society Foundation does."

The Borders of Gender can destroy a State. Erasing the borders of men and women is a dangerous societal social issue.

Listen to Dr. Kedars' lecture and share it with friends and family.

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