Governments' policies destroy your biology

1 year ago

Well, in term of public education, this is pedagogy par excellence!
Listen to what he has to say and come to your own conclusion.
The last word is always yours, folks!
Just remember that Shiva is a statist who offers a statist solution. a.k.a hopium!
As an anarchist, with proofs and evidences throughout human history, I know for a fact that the system of government authority/violent power is not only corrupt but also CORRUPTIVE and destructive by design...That means the objective of the system of government is absolute power, that is to seek to achieve by every and any means the complete and absolute control over the total submission of the population. Ergo, the system of government power will never allow nor tolerate any deviation from or any threat, be it big or small, real or perceived, to its absolute control. The government power system will stop at nothing to crush any deviation and threat as we all have and are witnessing right now. Thus, you cannot have any solution as long as this system of government power still exits and in control. This is strictly my own two cents folks!

Original Full video here:

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