Here's why bugging out won't work with kids 🎒🥾☢️ | #prepper #shtf #emergencypreparedness

1 year ago

If you are concerned with #emergencypreparedness and #prepping, steer clear of YouTuber's out there promoting #buggingout and #bugout bags, ESPECIALLY if you have young kids.

Just watch this video of me taking my two kids on just a 2 mile hike. Still think bugging out with them is going to happen?

If you have a family and small children, a bugout bag just isn't going to work for you in a real emergency... you will need real emergency equipment for that, and you should plan to #bugin at home for your best chance of survival when #shtf.

For a full list of everything you need to survive in emergency situations such as civil unrest, extended power outages, a possible EMP, etc., check out the playlist linked here:

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