IN-terview Maxim WhiteFeather - transmuting old patterns | summit 'From Saboteur to Succes' | 2023

1 year ago

https://www.light-walkers. org | MaxiM WhiteFeather interviewed by Sharon Parker @sharonparker2875 for the summit: "From Saboteur to Succes" in august 2023.
Maji -'Kèhl - Michael WhiteFeather aka Michael van Dommelen/WhiteFeather/Nilaaya is a Self Mastery Guide, Energy Balancing Facilitator, | Vibrational Medicine, working with scalar energy / waves | scalar speak recalibration of ones field body, or bodies, deep into cellular levels and beyond...pain can go away in one session, seen many times and witnessed by those that experienced it of course.

He loves to empower people, knowing that this raises the collective vibration, and moves humanity closer to unity and harmony.
For over 15 years Michael has been investigating how consciousness is expressed through our bodies and through events in our life.

He has researched and practiced energy healing and vibrational medicine on spiritual and scientific level.
Through his work he has come to know that we are powerful creators and must take responsibility for our (daily) reality and understand that our thoughts and beliefs have an effect on the people and environment around us.

Michael’s treatments are focused on helping his clients to re-balance their mind and body and transform their life though constant mirroring, pointing back to what it is true or untrue.

He assists people transmute old patterns, find true happiness and change their life through “practicing being in a state of awareness”. He believes we have all the tools inside of us, we just need to activate our own knowingness and clear all that is untrue. He assists this process with some tools for activation and clearing, and teaches people to use language that heals and attracts the life they are dreaming of, and to allow the possibility that the unexpected may happen - to remain curious to experience.

Michael’s activations-actualisations create a collective field for healing and balancing to take place. He works through sound, art, light, and conscious intent.

His many modalities include Self Realisation & Inquiry, Vibrational Medicine, Sound baths through Cosmic Celestial Symphonies, Cosmic Shamanic Energy Healing, Light Code Activations & Transmissions through Art & Voice | Scalar Energy Recalibration | New Earth Harmonics Sound Light Technology Alchemy, written and sung Soul Language.

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