MSNBC & Mara Gay are dumb (Columbus, Ohio vs. New York City) #DemocratCrimeWave

1 year ago

MSNBC & Mary Gay are dumb (Columbus, Ohio vs. New York City) #DemocratCrimeWave

Just a scant 3 months ago (I was going to do a video about it, but forgot & found the relevant material again) Mara Gay was proving to everyone how dumb she is when she opined about the Democrat Crime Wave sweeping America & the only specific thing she mentioned was that Columbus, Ohio has a higher murder rate than New York City.

Other outlets picked up this zinger & by golly, thought it served as a good rebuttal. I don’t think Democrats want to look at where most of Ohio’s murders occur, who is committing them by-and-large & the demographics of victims & assailants.

She says there are a lot of political views among victims of crime & I guess by that she means black folks, who are disproportionately victims of murder (and particularly young black men) have a diverse number of political views, Uh, yeah.

Mara probably also doesn’t know that blacks (and particularly young black men) are disproportionately the perpetrators of murder as well. Do they have a diverse number of political views?

Donald Trump slowly chiseled away some support of black men in 2016 & 2020, here’s to more black men waking up & wandering off the Progressive, Socialist Democrat planation that wants to keep them poor.

Columbus, Ohio is not even in Jim Jordan’s congressional district, so I have no clue what this idiot is yammering about & Jordan did not grow up in Columbus. What the heck? I guess if you are an assistant wrestling coach at Ohio State after not growing up in Franklin County & wrestling for the Badgers, that means you’re from Columbus.

It is true that Columbus, Ohio has a high murder rate & is within Franklin County, another Democrat-leaning county in a now GOP-dominated state. Mara whines about cherry-picked stats & I would accuse her of cherry-picking, but she is not smart enough to do that.

I am going to have a lengthy essay coming soon on whether high murder rate areas tend to have more murders outside & w/ a firearm than say, civilized areas like Iowa. I will be done w/ that soon, but I am going to post some data from that.

According to Dave Leip’s Election Atlas, in every single statewide election in OH since 2012, save one time – that county has voted for the Democrat, the only exception being the 2014 Gubernatorial Sweepstakes. Most of the time it voted 60% for the Dumocrat or gets close. So, that needs to be mentioned. Check out Ohio’s State House Districts 3, 6 & 7 that encompass Columbus. All Dumocrats. Columbus is even more insane than Franklin County en masse.

Mara Gay is so dumb, she probably doesn’t even know this & assumes since OH has a Republican Governor & two Republican Senators, the whole state must be Republican. No dumbass, not even close.

Now, let us get to some uncomfortable data that makes the Dummycrats squirm. According to the FBI,

From 2017-21 in The Buckeye State, of the 2,963 known locations for murder, 49.74% (1,474) were inside a “residence/home.” Of the 2,963 known locations for murder, 43.26% (1,282) could be considered as having occurred “outside.” Of the 2,846 known weapons to commit murder in OH (2017-21), 79.83% (2,272) were a firearm.

Columbus: From 2017-21, of the 653 known locations for murder, 52.67% (344) were inside a “residence/home.” Of the 653 known locations for murder, 39.35% (257) took place “outside.” Columbus: From 2017-21, of the 628 known weapons, 86.94% (546) were a firearm/gun.

You are far more likely to be murdered w/ a firearm (but less likely to be murdered outside) in Columbus than Ohio statewide.

Also, according to the FBI, from 2012 - 2021, there were 1,113 homicide incidents, and 1,174 offenses reported by the Columbus Police Department. That works out to a murder rate of (cumulative population in that time frame = 8,661,127) 13.554 per 100,000.*/

The FBI has data on murder victims too. Of the 1,141 murder victims where we know the race of the victim, 73.88% (843) of them were Black. Of the 885 murder offenders in Columbus during that time frame, 80.11% (709) of them were Black.

Columbus has become more “diverse” over the past few decades, but the murder victims & perps aren’t diverse. Columbus is still <30% Black.

According to the State of Ohio from 2012-22, Columbus had 1,362 murders. That is a sky-high murder rate. Just giving you some other sources.

Ohio’s statewide murder rate for your information Mara Gay, is typically well below half the rate in places like Columbus, Cleveland, Toledo, Cincinnati, Akron, Dayton etc. Gee, I wonder why she left that out?*/ (This page is still live, but may go away in the future, this is a permanent archive) Some other interesting info on the Buckeye State.

Of OH’s 88 counties, 34 (38.63%) of them had no murder in 2022. Ohio Counties with no murders, the whitest counties you know! 54 of OH’s 88 counties (61.36%) had <2 murders in 2022. 31.32% of OH lives in counties w/ <2 murders. Ohio is a “red state” that has a lot of murder problems, but those are in the “diverse” counties that are typically won by Democrats in large margins. Akron, Dayton, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Toledo, etc. The demographics of those counties above say a lot, without saying anything at all.

Tim Ryan, the Dumocrat who ran against J.D. Vance failed to capture any of the counties (I used 60% or greater as my threshold) in OH that had less than two murders last year. J.D. Vance won them all but eight, with 60% of the vote or more.

Mara Gay is the one doing cherry-picking, if cherry-picking is even being done. Does she think the entire state of IL is full of murder victims, as the Land of Lincoln is usually trending above national murder rates or is it mostly Chicago?

Does Mara Gay think the entire state of Delaware is a war zone or is most of the violence confined to Wilmington?

Speaking of New York State, in 2022, 29 of NY’s 62 counties (46.77%) had <2 murders. 8.98% of NY’s population lives in counties with <2 murders. Chuck Schumer in his Senate race last year did not win any of those w/ 60% of the vote or more, but Joe Pinion won all of them but eleven w/ 60% of the vote or more.

Counties in America that have <2 murders tend to be uber-White & uber-Republican. You can whine about racism all you want Democrats, it’s a fact.

Other than that Mara Gay was right. I have volumes of information on this topic & will in the very near future collate all the sources into one post for everyone to look at. Mara Gay & MSNBC are quite stupid.

The following states that I covered (NE, TX, RI, MA, NY, WI, AR, MO, PA, WY, CA, SD, MN, MT, UT, ID, OH, IL, IA) have a collective population of 168,057,533 & that is 50.42% of the entire U.S. population. This is a great sample.

Some of these states have high murder rates, some do not (relative to the national average). Some of these states are largely rural, some are very urban, some vote Republican the vast majority of the time & some vote Pedocrat. Some are “purple”, so this will give us a great view on just whether the “we’re not safe anywhere” line has any merit, which I have already demolished anyways. This is like dropping a bunker buster on the enemy & following it up w/ a hydrogen bomb. I’m just making sure.

Those states above collectively have 1,409 counties. Of those 1,409 counties, (53.01%) 747 of them had ZERO Murders in 2022. These United States has 3,142 counties (soon, CT will transition from 8 counties to 9 “Councils of Government”) & extrapolation that out I can say that 1,666 counties in these United States have NO Murders in a given year. It certainly does not sound like “we’re not safe anywhere” – well, unless you’re a retard.

The states examined have 1,409 counties & 970 (68.84%) of them had LESS THAN TWO MURDERS. Does not sound like “we are not safe anywhere” – unless again, you are a functionally-retarded mouth-breather. Extrapolating that out, of the 3,142 counties in the U.S., 2,163 of them would have <2 murders in a given year. That narrows down the problem areas a bit, eh?

I understand not all counties are the same, so let us go a bit further. The states listed above had a collective population of 168,057,533. The collective population of their counties with ZERO murders was 14,683,478 – meaning that 8.73% of the population lives in counties with zero murders in a given year.

That means of the entire U.S. population, 29,119,912 people live in counties sans murder.

Let us go even further. Of the states listed above, 26,029,088 (15.48%) of their 168,057,533 people live in counties with <2 murders. That means of the entire U.S. population, 51,620,246 people live in counties w/ <2 murders.

Mara Gay & her ilk need to realize that much of America is really safe & the vast majority of murder problems can be drilled down to about 10% of all counties, most of which are Democrat-dominated or Democrat-leaning.

They also tend to be “diverse.” You can call me racist, but you cannot call me wrong. I keep repeating this information to hammer it home & if you find it worthy, pass it along.

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