PK sİt frr hetR Movie Comedy SoI MIỀ!I Amir Khan Comedy | Anushka Sharma | PK

1 year ago

A stranger in the city asks questions no one has asked
before. Known only by his initials, the man's innocent
questions and childlike curiosity take him on a journey
of love, laughter and letting go.
Comedy | Anushka Sharma | PK Movie Comedy
PK j¢ f hcR A sI GI!|Amir Khan
Comedy | Anushka Sharma | PK Movie Comedy
PK sig fa hcR t3ST dGIŽ! Amir Khan
Comedy | Anushka Sharma | PK Movie Comedy
PK sig far hc 3SI tI! Amir Khan
Comedy |Anushka Sharma | PK Movie Comedy
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