1 year ago

🚨“See what they're dumping. They're eliminating evidence”

🚨“And everything burns in a tiny campfire and this is a horrific firestorm they said. Why are all the trees still there? Yeah all I can say is they don't recognize the organics even though they're super hot. They seem to be much hotter than our regular wood fires but for whatever reason they're not recognizing organics. They turn everything brown, they suck the water out of it like it's in a microwave oven in your kitchen, leave them brown or light a light shaded green but it will not ignite them unless they're in close proximity to metals.

🚨It has to be in close proximity to your metals, whether they're ferrous or non-ferrous, like aluminum. Your creek beds around here in California, I've noticed, or water-loving trees have burned from the inside out. Cooked, cooked like in a microwave. And these are willows, cottonwoods, alder, birch, maple, madrone. Not one leaf will be burned on them, even when the leaves are on the ground, but they'll cook from the inside out where the highest water holding capacity would be.

🚨Pines and more flammable trees & are doing the same but at a slower rate, even though the sap in many pines is more combustible than the water lovers by far. The needles will be brown everywhere, but they're not burned up. White ash, where's the black, where's the carbon? So you're thinking intense heat, well why are all the trees still there? A palm tree's easy to light on fire. They burn up in a second. They're like grass, they're thin. They'll burn in seconds. Yet I look at them, they're kind of super wilted, they turn black.

🚨There's a black color to all these dead trees. If it doesn't ignite, these leaves just kind of wilt and turn dark colors. Another anomaly. They should all have been gone. With this kind of heat, everything should have been gone. Should have been stumps of trees. That didn't happen. And it should be black, not white. That's right. Every house I've seen burn up, all of them have been burned to the ground, white ash. I have not seen much of any black anywhere. Everything else is completely gone.

🚨Yeah, the toilet, the fridge, the stove, which I've seen houses in. And the stove is there. It doesn't go to ash. That's right. This is the giant banyan tree I've heard about. Here you have a fire all the way around it. Even the boats were on fire. After the fire, I see leaves everywhere and all the aerial roots coming down. They look kind of sagging and black, not necessarily burned up. And here's a wood pole to your left.

Whether it's a splint, I think there's lights on it. It was so hot I forgot to burn the wood. Dead trees I've noticed that are dead before the fires, they're not burning. There's no moisture in them. Yes, the whole hood, it got so hot, the metal hood melted out. That's pushing 2,750 degrees. Two fire captains I know of, they say they've never seen vehicles in their whole career like this. Windows are never melted, they might break.

They don't even sag, they break shatter or fall out but they don't melt. It's 2500 degrees and up they start to melt at 25. So what could do that? You don't have enough fuel in this Jeep. I don't mean gasoline. I mean the fuels, the plastics, the seats, the cushions. All that isn't enough to get this kind of burn. I see dead trees but a firestorm would have left sticks. There'd be no leaves on it. That's your fire. The leaves. Like in California.

All that, they're clearing out. Now it has to go to the local dumps somewhere. Follow them to the dumps. See what they're dumping. They're eliminating evidence.”

Lots more info in the video I can’t transcribe due to X’s text limits. It’s worth a watch!

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