Isaiah 59 “God’s Redemption” 9/6/2023

1 year ago

Remember, Isarel was lamenting that God had forgotten about them.
God said through Isaiah that even if it were possible that a mother could forget her nursing baby…God could never forget Isarel.
And God reminds them that His hand is not too short to save them…they are not out of His reach…
And that God is not so far away that He cannot hear them.
But listen to why they feel as if God is ignoring them…and has forgotten them.
Their sin…their sin of idolatry which God compares to adultery…has separated them from God.
God says, My hand is not to short…but your hands are defiled with blood.
I can hear you just fine…but I do not respond because your lips have spoken lies.
Their sins had hidden God’s face from them and that is why God seemed so distant to them.

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