Joe Rogan and Tulsi Gabbard discuss the Democratic establishment, the corporate media

1 year ago

Joe Rogan and Tulsi Gabbard discuss the Democratic establishment, the corporate media, and the politicized Department of Justice turning the U.S. into a Banana Republic by arresting Donald Trump:

@JoeRogan: "It's Banana Republic stuff."

@TulsiGabbard: "These terrible things that are happening in our country because we have people in power that care more about themselves and their power than they do about the people, this country, and our democracy.

They are setting this incredibly dangerous precedent that now, much like many Banana Republics in the world, whoever is in power, has the ability to politicize and weaponize that power to go after their political opponent.

Take away whatever people think about Trump...

The consequences of what is actually happening and what so many of the Democratic elite are justifying in the name of protecting democracy is actually destroying it."

@JoeRogan: Isn't it fascinating that the Deep State, the CIA, and the FBI weren't generally discussed before Trump got into office in 2016?

@TulsiGabbard: Because he's the guy that broke through. You look at what the government and the FBI were doing before that election even happened to try to take him off the field. To try to eliminate him from being a choice that voters could seriously consider.

You look at what the media, even Fox News, did at that time so people wouldn't take him seriously. He's the guy that broke through... He's the guy that talked very openly about the military-industrial complex."


#staycuriousANDkeepsmilin #truthSoldiers

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