Solomon’s Temple As A Type Of The Millennial Temple-NOW THE END BEGINS.COM-SEPT 9 2023

1 year ago

In 1 Kings, we have the amazing account of how God used King Solomon to build the Temple of the house of the LORD. It is a wonderful type picture of the Millennial Temple that King Jesus will rule and reign from in Jerusalem for a thousand years. The temple that will be built for the time of Jacob's trouble will be inhabited by Antichrist. On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we look at the First Temple, the Second Temple, the temple of Antichrist as well as also conducting a little Open Forum Q&A as well! God tells David that Solomon will be a son to Him, and in many ways Solomon is a wonderful type of Christ. God made Solomon into the wisest man that ever lived, and Paul tells us that God takes the 'counsel of his own will', put those two things together and the picture quickly comes into focus. Bring your Bible questions and join us for another exciting Open Forum Q&A on this episode of Rightly Dividing.

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