71. Eyes & Whole Body Health - Part 2 - Dr. Lewis

1 year ago

Dr. Harshfield on Immunity
Dr. Lewis on Eyes and Whole Body Health Part 2

Chat Unedited:
12:01:38 From JoAnn Mayer : I started Dr Ben's post COVID protocol. Not an easy protocol to follow, but feeling wonderful after 2 weeks. How long do you recommend to follow the protocol.
12:01:55 From Martha Stark, MD : Thank you, Steve! Oh my God! It never occurred to me that the swabs themselves could be toxic! What I did know is that toxins were placed (by the manufacturers) on the tips of women’s “tampons” (for their periods) – so that they would buy more tampons. Disgusting!
12:02:27 From Louise Vogel : Joy thank you
12:03:19 From Doris Fellenz : There was a report a while back on how the swabs are toxic.
12:03:38 From Martha Stark, MD : Can we review the “dosing” for Ivermectin, please? Both “preventively” and “once you actually have COVID”?
12:04:11 From Steve : Replying to "There was a report a..."

Yes, I've seen the reports, but wanted to verify myself w/ my microscope
12:05:19 From Dr. Tom Lewis : https://www.healthrevivalpartners.com/post/super-hygiene-support-coming
12:05:51 From Steve : Replying to "Thank you, Steve! Oh..."

Not surprising re the tampons. They are hitting us in every way possible.
12:06:10 From JoAnn Mayer : https://vitalitymagazine.com/article/help-for-covid-19-long-haulers-dr-bens-cellular-repair-program/
12:06:49 From iPhone : What was the discount code for the neumi nutriswish glutathione again? Anyone remember?
12:07:27 From Doris Fellenz : See page 11 for ivermetin dose by weight.https://covid19criticalcare.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/I-CARE-Early-COVID-Protocol-2023-03-30.pdf
12:08:15 From Steve : Doc, where does the compliment system enter into this picture?
12:13:48 From Martha Stark, MD : Replying to "See page 11 for iver..."

Thank you, Doris!!
12:14:11 From leslie : questions after last week - 1) can we use hypochlorous acid in any ways other than on surfaces or spraying in air? 2) logged in just in time to hear end of conversation questioning arginine supplementation a few hours after I starting reading Methelyne Blue book that said Nitric Oxide is terrible for our health other than acute reactions. What was the start of that conversation?
12:19:18 From Steve : Replying to "questions after last..."

Dr. H. has mentioned many times that hypo/acid can be nebulized (I've done this many times).

Arginine needs to be balanced with L-Lysine. Lysine is an anti-viral, so supp'ing with arginine might compromise your system against the microbes.
12:19:44 From Doris Fellenz : Does anyone spray either Biocidin or Argentyn 23 in their nostrials.
12:20:51 From Doris Fellenz : I use both and switch up, I spray the Argentyn 23 in my eyes and ears.
12:21:41 From Doris Fellenz : Sorry, I use the argentyn 23 in my eyes with a dropper.
12:22:14 From Martha Stark, MD : I would love to hear the answer to your question. I certainly spray Biocidin into my throat and Argentyn 23 into my ears – but I had not thought to spray it into my nose!
12:22:43 From Doris Fellenz : Argentyn 23 and MSM does not sting at all in the eyes.
12:22:45 From leslie : Replying to "questions after last..."

thanks Steve
12:23:28 From Joy Gentle : Argentyn 23 has their nose spray bottle.
12:24:47 From Linda Anderson : I saw Andrew... agree!!
12:24:55 From Doris Fellenz : Yes Joy it does. I ran out of it. But I have a 1/2 gallon bottle of the Argentyn Silver 23 and just refilled it. As I do the dropper glass bottle.
12:24:57 From Martha Stark, MD : Do we worry at all about getting “acute angle closure glaucoma” from MSM eye drops?
12:28:44 From iPhone : Replying to "Yes Joy it does. I …"
Where did you buy it from?
12:29:52 From Linda Anderson : I'm holding onto my cataract... as biomarker... wisdom of good vision vs that. still functional
12:44:03 From Martha Stark, MD : Replying to "What was the discoun..."

I am sorry. I do not remember. But I know the information was presented to us on Wednesday / June 21st. Perhaps that will help you track down the discount code – if you can “retrieve” the webinar for that day…
12:44:41 From Linda Anderson : I got glasses in the 9th grade... when my father died.
12:46:01 From iPhone : Replying to "What was the discoun…"
Thanks Martha. I think Steve didn’t let us record it, so that he could speak more freely
12:53:49 From Martha Stark, MD : Perhaps no surprise that women who get breast cancer in one breast so often end up, within a few years, with breast cancer in the other breast as well…
12:55:49 From Stan : So Dr. Lewis, where does a person with Glaucoma start the investigative process, or curative process?
12:57:42 From Joy Gentle : You often mention C. Pneumoniae. What about Mycoplasma, EBV, etc?
12:58:39 From Joy Gentle : Replying to "You often mention C...."

plus HHV-6. Herpes in brain?
12:58:59 From Dr. Tom Lewis : https://theconversation.com/my-work-investigating-the-links-between-viruses-and-alzheimers-disease-was-dismissed-for-years-but-now-the-evidence-is-building-184201
12:59:20 From Carol Willis : Vibrant America Lab has a Neuro Zoomer test, very detailed
12:59:24 From Steve : Replying to "You often mention C...."

Joy, I've been having good response with Professional Formulas homeopathic products. I just received the Myco one as well.
12:59:34 From Linda Anderson : I have big 3/eyes... and an index finger/big joint... it gets sensitive with slight flu signs... once it progressed up the side of hy hand to wrist, subsided when I recovered.
13:00:26 From Shoshanna : which food sensitivities test is recommended?
13:00:51 From Joy Gentle : Reacted to "Joy, I've been hav..." with 👍
13:01:55 From wendell : are the wheat zoomer and neuro zoomer two different tests?
13:02:37 From Carol Willis : Neuro zoomer test is a completely different test. check their website for a sample report or request it
13:03:47 From Linda Anderson : I have nuclear and cortical
13:05:43 From Linda Anderson : starting to read: copper metabolism and macular degeneration... pubmed (I haven't read yet)
13:11:13 From Linda Anderson : thank you!

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