Vaxx-induced sudden cardiac death | Doctors Harvey Risch and William Makis

11 months ago

The increase in sudden deaths seems to be among the COVID vaxxed, especially the COVID vaxxed who are also very physically active. What is the likely mechanism and progression?

1. The gene therapy causes inflammation in the heart (myocarditis, endocarditis, pericarditis) which in turn causes (micro)scars and/or enlargement of the heart (hypertrophy).

NB: The patient could have this damage but not have any symptoms (subclinical). In that case, they won’t know about this (unless they are thoroughly tested) and won’t take any precautions and not receive any treatment.
NB: Heart damage may also be caused by lack of oxygen, e.g. due to vaxx-induced blood clots. This may cause similar scars and similar shortened life expectancy and increase in risk of sudden cardiac death.
NB: Hypertrophy is pathological enlargement of the heart. Enlargement of the heart due to physical exercise is not pathologic, but may increase one’s risk of vaxx-induced sudden death.

2. The (micro)scars in the heart create aberrant pathways for electrical signals to travel through the heart. At some point, randomly, something trips up the impulse that stuns the heart. The heart is unable to figure out how to return to normal sinus rhythm.
3. The dysrhythmia creates a lack of oxygenation which only makes it more difficult for the heart to return to normal rhythm (positive feedback).
4. The patient goes into ventricular tachycardia (abnormally high heart rate of the ventricles) or ventricular fibrillation (rapid and uncoordinated contraction of ventricles), which has a significant risk of sudden cardiac death.

Dr. Risch recommends that anyone who received the Holy Injected Elixir refrain from intense physical for at least one year after the last injection.

Dr. Makis discusses the enormous increase of unexpected and often sudden deaths among Canadian doctors. These doctors have been coerced into taking the medical risks of the untested injection to keep their jobs, and most of them are keeping up with the Health Canada recommendations which require 6 shots by now.

A common pattern is that young and outwardly healthy doctors are suddenly dying shortly after getting injected, in most cases while they are perform intense physical exercise such as swimming, jogging, hiking, mountain climbing and so on. These people tend to be high-level athletes, not overweight and untrained people who overexert themselves by participating in a marathon with hardly any training.

You would think that the trained hearts of these people would put them at lower risk, but in the case of the heart-damaging C19 injections, the exact opposite occurs.

Harvey Risch (current age: 74) has only known one person who died suddenly and unexpectedly before the jab roll-out. Today, these sudden and unexpected deaths are commonplace.

Before dr. Makis specialized in oncology, he conducted cardiac stress tests. Even he has only heard about the death of one person during a cardiac stress test pre-2021.

Now these deaths are occuring much more frequently. The same is true for people dying in their sleep, which usually occurs in the early morning hours. They are usually found by their partner or children, and tend to be in ventricular fibrillation or have already passed away when they are found.


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