7Sep23 War OF Drugs: Afghanistan & the US Empire

1 year ago

The "Drug War" is a war against the American people. Nearly all the world's opioids came from Afghanistan during US occupation but the Taliban ended it in one year. But the domestic War OF Drugs against the American people by its own government is even more despicabl

Liberty Safes — Not Safe, Not About Liberty
Did you know Liberty Safes has a BACKDOOR to the safes? They opened a gun safe based on FBI request as the FBI continues to arrest even more J6 protestors.
And, ATF's new "rule" can send you jail for selling ONE gun

Feds Shutdown Even Phony, Failed TX Border Protection
Neither political party is serious about the border. GOP is playing games while the solution is in plain sight.

It's official — BootyGay & his Marxist committee for Transportation Equity" say "cars are racist" and ALL CARS MUST BE BANNED — including EVs

Don't Tread on Kids
The Gadsden Flag kid and the high school silently praying coach both stood by their principles and won — and then were ostracized. Is it better to declare victory and move on to better things or stay where you are. Is the answer different for kids than it is for adults?

Eco-Death/Suicide of the West — Germany First

INTERVIEW Rediscovering the Spirit of Meyers Manx
Eric Peters, EPautos.com, from face diapers to facade environmentalism — about halfway through we talk about the simplicity, fun, and entrepreneurship of Meyers Manx that is essential for the survival of We the People

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