Trent on the Loos-09.08.2023

1 year ago

"Trent on the Loos" welcomes a truly special guest, Paula Colarusso, the proud daughter of a valiant World War II veteran. As the pages of history grow thicker and memories of the Greatest Generation risk fading away, it's more crucial now than ever to ensure their legacy is not only remembered but revered. In this poignant episode, Trent and Paula delve deep into the importance of instilling in our youth an unyielding respect and gratitude for the sacrifices made by those who came before them. They passionately converse about the values, resilience, and sheer determination of the WWII generation and deliberate on effective ways to pass down those virtues to our future leaders. Join them as they pay tribute to the heroes of yesteryears and outline a vision for preserving their legacy for the ages. If you believe in honoring the roots of our great nation, this episode is a must-listen.


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