What to do when we encounter something unexpected or even scary?

1 year ago

After struggling with YouTube restrictions for the last few months, we are officially transitioning over to a Facebook page to host the majority of this content. Please visit this link: https://fb.watch/mSa3uTCBJt/

...to watch, engage and follow along. It is my hope to grow this other platform and use Facebook's additional features to create more of a community discussion including a variety of post types. Thank you for your patience and for embracing the change to come.

Now onto the video at hand. There was nothing complicated about this case at face value. Trauma to the big toe may often result in the need to take off the toe nail. Discovering maggots underneath the nail bed, however, requires the clinician to maintain their cool and proceed as per usual so as not to frighten the patient. In the elderly, you need to keep alert for signs that may indicate they are having trouble caring for their own personal hygiene and approach these gently and respectfully. This is certainly one of those cases.

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