The Voice.. The final step for WEF takeover. Be Free With Dee

1 year ago

Premiered on 5 Sept 2023
Zev from explains what the voice really is - despite what it is being portrayed as. As usual, the Government using their nasty tactics to deceive people into thinking they are being inclusive of the First Nations despite it being the total opposite. The very fact that we need to "vote" on whether the First Nations should have a "voice" is insulting in itself. THEY'VE ALWAYS HAD ONE! We just simply need to listen.

A very informative discussion and explanation on what the intentions really are with this unconstitutional referendum.. nothing but a massive land-grab.

Zev explains what this means for Australia and the questions we should be asking these dictators.

We Do Not Consent to a Referendum guised as the People having a "say", when we never ever had under this corporate illegitimate Government.

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