The Superior Witcher: Comparing the Two Series

1 year ago

The original "The Witcher" series (initially known as "The Hexer") was mocked for its low budget and laughable special effects. Despite that, it garnered a cult following in Poland and other Slavic countries, where it was also broadcast. While Netflix's "The Witcher" managed to create more and more bad blood with fans with every season, the underrated Polish series, after all these years, still holds its ground. Let's find out in what ways the 2002 version was superior to the 2019 one. In my opinion, of course.

0:00 Original "The Witcher" Series
1:56 Netflix's "The Witcher" Series
2:32 The Original Again in the Spotlight
3:05 Witcher-Centric Series
4:46 Shallow Story and Geralt of Netflix
6:12 The More Humane Geralt
7:12 Chemistry Between the Characters
8:16 Production Values
9:42 Costumes
10:24 Special Effects
11:20 Fight Scenes
12:24 Like Good Wine?
12:48 Finish

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