Banning 'steak': BBC News Review

1 year ago

Banning 'steak': BBC News Review

#learnenglish #bbclearningenglish #newsreview
Plant-based food can no longer have meat-based names in France. The French government has published a list of words, such as 'steak' or 'ribs' that will not be allowed on labels for meat-free products. Farmers in the country have argued that using these words to describe non-meat products could confuse customers. Similar measures are being discussed in other countries.
(Cover image: Getty)

Test your understanding in the quiz on our webpage:

👉Key words and phrases:
🔎 meaty
interesting, complex or thought-provoking
- You'll be able to write a lot about this – it's a meaty topic.
- I'm reading classical literature at the moment – I like to read meaty books.

🔎 salvo
an attack or criticism
- His criticism was just the opening salvo in the attack on his colleagues.
- The new laws are just the first salvo in attempts to stop dangerous driving.

🔎 reignite
start up again
- The quality of films released this year has reignited my passion for cinema.
- The minister's speech reignited bad feelings with her rivals.

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