Star Wars & False Flag Terrorism

1 year ago

David Brennan

Friday, May 11, 2012 at 1:40 AM EST

#AlexJones, #America, #Empire, #FalseFlag, #GeorgeLucas, #PhantomMenace, #RevengeOfTheSith, #StarWars, #USA

This fan documentary, written and directed by David Brennan, reveals how, just as the original Star Wars trilogy was modeled after mythology and folklore, the prequel trilogy was modeled after history. It goes over the prequel's story of false flag terrorism step-by-step, and then reveals how George Lucas had this element planned since 1973!
NOTE: David Brennan is available for professional computer animation and video editing work. Contact through personal message or a comment below. Thanks!


Brittany Hogue
I am politically involved and am a star wars fan this video is amazing! Great Job!

David Brennan
Thank you for watching the video and taking the time to compliment it, Brittany. I'm not personally too political (especially by modern standards, where "political" seems to mostly just be morons gossiping hysterically about stupid stuff) and I personally see this as more of a criminal matter - murder being an evil crime regardless of politics.

David Brennan
Thanks for the compliment, Joe! It will be great to live to see the day that these murderous animals are brought to justice.
I've seen this done before by others, but never this well. Thanks very much.

David Brennan
You're welcome, Please feel free to share it with others.

patrice pooyard
Excellent ! I like it very much. Thanks :)

David Brennan
You're also welcome, Patrice. Thanks for taking the time to compliment it.

Janet Palmer Ward
Why have more people not seen this?

David Brennan
The video is as popular as I would expect, and bear in mind that many have viewed it at other video hubs, so this Vimeo tally isn't complete.

Also, our non-gentile friends running the mainstream media cover up the true murderers of 9/11 because they were executed by members of their fellow race. The book, 'Solving 9/11' by Christopher Bollyn goes into detail, there and that diagnoses why people don't know. One final reason I believe people don't care about mass murder anymore is because white males comprise a smaller and smaller percentage of America (and the remaining white males have diminished testosterone levels, likely due to low saturated fat diets). There have been several studies demonstrating that it is white males who care most passionately about justice - on average. This is why justice systems in non-white areas are mere kangaroo courts. So, because Jews and non-whites have take commandeered the U.S., there is less justice, and mass murderers are lionized.

Reading List
*9-11 Evil: Israel's Central Role
*9/11 and American Empire
*9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA
*9/11: The Big Lie by Thierry Meyssan
*Another Nineteen by Kevin Ryan
*Big Bamboozle 9/11 War on Terror
*Black 9/11 Money Motive Technology
*The CIA and September 11
*Extreme Prejudice Patriot Act 9/11 Iraq
*Most Dangerous 9/11 as Mass Ritual
*New Pearl Harbor Revisited
*Painful Questions Analysis September
*Prophet of Evil: Aleister Crowley 9/11
*The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire
*Solving 9-11 Books Christopher Bollyn
*Terror Conspiracy Deception 9/11
*Terror Timeline Comprehensive
*The Trigger: The Lie that Changed
*Truth Jihad: My Epic Struggle Against
*Where did the Towers Go Judy Wood

9/11 Coincidences (2:30:18)

9/11 Echoes of Darkness (16:50)

9/11 Inside Job Ten Years Later (14:43)

Star Wars & False Flag Terrorism (13:29)

Truth and Lies of 9-11 (2:24:49)

War and Deception (1:52:45)

9-11/September 11 Odysee

9-11/September 11 Rumble

9-11/September 11 YouTube

False Flag/Hoax/LIHOP Odysee

False Flag/Hoax/LIHOP Rumble

False Flag/Hoax/LIHOP YouTube

Military/Soldier/War Odysee

Military/Soldier/War Rumble

Military/Soldier/War YouTube

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