Sweden Riots Over Quran Burning - The Cross and The Crib

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Catholic Drive Time - 877-757-9424

Date – Thursday, September 7th, 2023 – Our Lady of Covadonga

1. In 711, Muslim Arabs invaded the Iberian Peninsula, and King Rodrigo of the Visigoths died facing them.

2. Don Pelayo, a nobleman, led a group of knights to resist the Muslim conquest and withdrew to the northern mountains of Asturias to prepare for the battle.

3. In 722, a well-trained Muslim army, led by General Alkamar, was sent to destroy Don Pelayo and his men.

4. Don Pelayo strategically positioned his men along the cliffs at Alzeba Mountain, where they waited for the enemy to advance.

5. Don Pelayo sought the protection of Our Lady of Covadonga by praying in the nearby Cave of Covadonga, where a statue of the Virgin was placed.

6. The battle began with Muslim archers attacking the Catholic soldiers, but miraculously, the arrows turned against the Moorish archers, killing them.

7. Catholic soldiers advanced, while others threw stones and trunks from the mountain, causing disorder in the Muslim army.

8. Suleiman, the second in command of the Muslim army, was killed, and General Alkamar ordered a retreat.

9. A violent storm broke out, with thunder, lightning, and heavy rain causing mudslides, boulders, and trees to fall on the retreating Muslim troops, leading to many casualties.

10. The Battle of Covadonga was won, and Pelayo was proclaimed King of the Austurias. A monastery and chapel were later built on the site in honor of Our Lady of Covadonga, and it was replaced by a grand Basilica consecrated in 1901.

Comments of Prof. Plinio emphasize the lesson of doing everything possible to win an impossible victory, trusting in Divine Providence and Our Lady's protection even when the odds seem insurmountable. The victory at Covadonga inspired a mentality that eventually led to the Reconquista of Spain from the Moors.

Our Lady of Covadonga, pray for us!

INTRO – Happy Thursday

Howdy to Catholic Spirit Radio


When someone uses the OH MY GOD statement. I say Praise be His Holy Name. I dare you to say it.

And – at 15 past the hour, Jesuit Fr. James Martin New book promotes LGBT blasphemy

Also – at 30 past the hour, Robert Spencer on Sweden riots over Quran burning

Oh Yeah – at 45 past the hour,

Plus – in the next hour, Allan Smith is on to talk about the Cross and the Crib

As always – we have the fear and trembling game show with a prize from

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