Vaxx-induced turbo cancer: Likely caused by VAIDS | Cancer experts drs. Risch & Makis

1 year ago

Drs. Harvey Risch and William Makis, who are both experts on the subject of cancer, discuss the new phenomenon of turbo cancer, which is almost certainly caused by the C19 jabs. Turbo cancers have among their characteristics that they tend to present very late (stage 3 or 4), grow and metastasize enormously fast, and tend to be resistent to standard cancer therapy that used to be effective before the roll-out of the jabs.

The doctors discuss that the turbo cancers (which is not an accepted medical term yet) are likely caused by a (vaxx-induced) damaged immune system (i.e. VAIDS: Vaccine Induced Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome).

Everyone has damaged and cancerous cells in their body. In itself, this is nothing to be worried about, because a well-functioning immune system will detect and destroy these cells. However, if the immune system is damaged, the cells can grow and reproduce with little impediment, which could cause the death of the host.

With turbo cancers, chemotherapy and radiation tend to not work well, because the root cause ― the damaged immune system ― is still there.

Surgical removal of tumors (resection) is often impossible, because patients often present so late that the cancer has already spread so far and wide that removal is not an option.


A recent scientific paper co-authored by drs. Makis, McCullough and others, which showed, based upon independent review, that approximately 74% of people who died shortly after C19 vaccination, died because of this injection or injection was major contributor, was removed from Lancet pre-print server within 24 hours.

Most sudden deaths have a cardiac nature (e.g. arrhythmia, blood clot). Many other unexpected deaths are turbo cancers. The latter is not yet an acknowledged medical term. These cancers usually present at a very late stage (sometimes 3, most often 4), grow very rapidly, metastasize very aggressively.

Dr. Makis has extensive experience in diagnosing cancer, and has never before the COVID injections seen cancers behaving like this.

Colorectal cancers took 30-40 years to develop before the advent of the COVID injections, so it was impossible that they occurred in young people, yet now we are seeing these cancers in young people.

It seems that there is something significantly wrong with the immune systems of these people. Their immune systems should detect defective (e.g. cancerous) cells and destroy them, but isn't doing this.

If a medical product caused cancers, you would only expect to see cancers with short latency, such as blood cancers (e.g. lymphoma, leukemia) and breast cancer. Yet here we are also seeing a significant uptick in long latency cancers.

Dr. Makis is also seeing cancers of the gall bladder, liver, lung that are behaving much more aggressively than expected, with very rapid growth and spread.

The medical establishment is basically ignoring this phenomenon. Most of the anecdotes are from GoFundMe and elsewhere. People are sharing that their oncologist was shocked at the fast spread and had to change the treatment course. Patients often end up dying before they can finish treatment.

Aside from prof. Dalgleish, who has sounded the alarm on C19 vaxx-induced cancers, no other oncologist has spoken out. They must be seeing this in their practice but are not speaking out. Doctors are putting their jobs, careers and bank accounts ahead of patients.

Dr. Risch would like to see a composite test which would show an impaired immune system. These kinds of tests are available for other organs and systems. If you know who has a damaged immune system, you know who is at increased risk of (turbo) cancer and therefore who you should, at the very minimum, monitor more closely.

The medical community is not even acknowledging a possible link between the ‘vaccines’ and cancer. The manufacturers of the jabs did not and were not forced to conduct any tests on genotoxicity (damage to genes) and carcinogenicity (cancer causing). Based on no information whatsoever, they just claimed that there was no reason to assume that these products cause cancer or damage genes, so therefore they will not test if they do.

The bulk of the vaxx-induced turbo cancer may not be caused by damage to genes or integration of the mRNA in the human genome (via reverse transcription followed by integration), but by immune system damage.

Dr. Gorski is one of the outspoken critics of any possibility of C19 vaxx-induced cancer. It would be interesting to check his bank account for possible conflicts of interest.

An additional feature of these turbo cancers is that they tend to be resistant to treatment that would have some effectiveness in cancers pre-2021, such as chemotherapy and radiation. Why is this the case? It could be that treatment may still be somewhat effective at killing cancerous cells, but that cancerous cells will still be reproducing with very fast with little impediment because of immune system damage.

Surgical resection (i.e. removing of tumors) might be a possibility, but not if the cancer has already spread throughout the body (metastasized). The very late presentation often makes removal of all the tumors impossible.

If you had good tests, you might start an intensive monitoring program to catch people as early as possible, but these tests are unavailable. Even if these tests were available, screening is a non-starter because the medical community is unwilling to even consider the possibility that the gene therapy is causing turbo cancer.

Some cardiologists such as dr. Peter McCullough and dr. Aseem Malhotra are speaking out about vaxx-induced heart damage, but dr. Makis is almost the only one speaking up about vaxx-induced cancer.


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