Tomato Review: Brandybear (New Heat/Cold Set Genetics)

2 years ago

As a vegetable breeder, my goal for tomato is to breed a great looking, great tasting, disease resistant tomato that will grow absolutely anywhere that a tomato plant will grow. That's a huge feat, eh? Well, I'm almost there! This is Brandybear, a high heat, low cold temperature variety that will set fruit without having to be pollinated. It is parthenocarpic and a trait scientists have been trying to acquire for over 100 years! Parthenocarpy (Brandybear and others of mine) means it's not restricted to pollination by bees, wind, or humans to set fruit. It also means it can be grow from Alaska to Arizona and most other places on the planet. No, it's absolutely not a joke or clickbait.

#brandybear #parthenocarpy #parthenocarpic

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