Lets go shopping in a Aussie Supermart

1 year ago

I filmed my Supermart trip with my son Bailey and I checked out the prices
us Aussies are doing it tough, but I didn't want the film to be boring so I invited Mocha for a chat and she interviewed me, we talked about Hawaii fires and Riccardo Bosi and COVID-19 and joked around for a bit but not only that I did some animation and made my own character and yes I do workout I'm toned the only difference is I wear sunglasses all the time to see but with my character, I wanted more facial expressions so no glasses and with my playing i'm more of a drummer
Then a strummer lol anyway I hope you enjoy.
By the way I did this on windows paint and with a broken mouse with no mouse pad
so this took along time to make so please be kind and leave a like.

I put alot of work into this film but I missed a few things so I fixed it
Sorry guys for the trouble.

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