That's the Way I've Always Heard it Should Be by Carly Simon ~ An Indictment of Marriage

1 year ago

It is incredible to think that this absolutely Brilliant Song is from Carly's very first album, and represented her first ever Single, which went into the Top 10 the World Over...the Song has become a Powerful reminder of what Marriage has become, a Series of Romantic Mythical Beliefs where the Male Dominates, Wombmen Subjugate themselves, all the while Love slowly Erodes away, before Crumbling apart...

And All because the concept of Marriage, as we know it, isn't Real, as it Promotes the necessity to Lie about Oneself, resulting in an endless array of Secrets, while the True Self of both the Bride and the Groom, are Lost, seemingly Forever, behind a parade of MASKS, as Couples make Endless Compromises just to be Abel to 'Get Along', causing One's True Self to be Buried under Miles and Miles of Ruinous Rubble, from the Endless Disasters that naturally result when Truth, the Self and God have no Presence...

As such, this Song has latched itself on to the Very Fabric of Society, as a Powerful reminder of why Marriage should be something that only the very Few ever enter into, as so Few ever come to Truly Know Themselves, and thus, achieve Sustainable Happiness and Peace in their Lives...

We have been taught by Organized Society, that to COMPROMISE oneself is a Daily Necessity to Survive in this World, which is Pure Insanity, as every single time we Compromise ourselves on ANY Issue, we are creating the False Self, the Lie, Ruled Over by the Left Brain Ego, and Deeper and Deeper we sink into Guilt, Shame, Depression and a Complete LOSS of one's Sovereignty, the very thing that Jesus Christ taught us to NEVER Sacrifice, for anyone, as when we are Sovereign, we are our True Selves, just as God Created us, and as such, we can Walk Upon the Pathway of Fate, that God has Gently laid out for us to Follow...

And the Denial of this Simplicity and Surety at the Hands of God, results, Every time, in unmitigated Disaster for the Individual, which is precisely what the Cabal Requires from us, the Subjugation of One's Soul, to become an IMPOSTER, Living Fraudulently within the Framework of both the Fool and the Lost, creating a Legacy of Divorce, Re-Marriage, Collapse, Divorce, Re-Marriage, etc, and ON and ON and ON it goes, as without the Ability to KNOW THYSELF, we simply are incapable of Sustaining Any True Life, Love and Happiness within Our Lives...

Thus, the Song's Title, which references getting Married and Living Happily Ever After, is a Pipe Dream, an Unattainable Fancy unless SOVEREIGNTY exists for Both the Bride and the Groom, which creates Strength, Tolerance and Understanding... Only the Reality of Living Life on Terms that replenish both the Body and the Mind, result in Perpetual Love and Happiness, All Else is nothing more than Mere Illusion...therefore, while this Modern, Societal Marriage 'Sounds Nice', it is merely a Carefully laid TRAP, set out by the Canaanites, to catch us at unawares, resulting in the VAST MAJORITY of Souls DYING within the Framework of something that Sounds so Beautiful and so Right...and this is WHY it is essential for All of us to Always put God first in our Lives, as without this Truthful Connection and His Divine Guidance, we are only ever Puppets in the Eyes of those who wish to be our Puppet Masters...

With Love, CF

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