[Barry] Is Being Exposed Left & Right At The Moment (Check Description)

1 year ago

[Barry] dropped 26,171 bombs in seven countries his last year in office. The horrible thing was, which no one talks about, is that a large number of these bombs were dropped on our allies & not the enemy.

[Barry]’s administration said they were coming to the assistance of allies but on more than one occasion he bombed them instead of their enemies. If you believe or think for one moment that was not purposely done then you’re fooling yourself fren.

26,171 bombs dropped in one year means on average he was dropping about 72 bombs a day. [Barry] also dropped around 23,000 bombs in 2015. The US dropped 79 per cent of all 30,743 coalition bombs in 2016.

He absolutely loved him some drones too. George Bush Jr(Scum), whom was in office during 9/11 and started 2 horrible wars(one being illegal), used 53 total drone strikes while in office. [Barry] ordered 573 drone strikes which mainly targeted Pakistan, Somalia, and Yemen.

Two presidents back to back committing war crimes & a few countries have demanded accountability. Bush Jr & Dick “Sick MFKR” Cheney can’t even leave the country because there’s a chance they could be arrested for war crimes. I’d be more than happy to hand them all over because I too want justice for our maimed & killed men and women, the millions of Iraqis(many civilians) killed, and the poor families(American & Iraqi) that had to suffer through it all.

It’s truly heartbreaking thinking about the horrors we’ve allowed our government to get away with. I just thank god we are finally starting to open our eyes and wake up to the lies and manipulation we’ve fell for over and over again.

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