9.6.23- TREASON_, DELTAs, Evidence destroyed_, J6, GITMO, V@X. PRAY!

1 year ago

CNN can't hide the truth: https://t.me/SGTnewsNetwork/51858

President Trump warns the Vaccine pushers: https://t.me/SGTnewsNetwork/51855

"The took everything we have." https://t.me/SGTnewsNetwork/51854

The people know Bidenomics https://t.me/SGTnewsNetwork/51841

⚠️Vaccinated & boosted. https://t.me/SGTnewsNetwork/51831

Quick white pill for y'all, in between all the doom and gloom. This is apparently the new Miss America and she's got 7 kids, homeschools em all. https://t.me/traceytray17/156288

Senator Tuberville is holding the line https://t.me/realKarliBonne/191952

People won’t admin why they were wrong https://t.me/RatchetTruth/69832

Scotty MAR 10 with Dr. Jan Harper-Hayes https://t.me/ScottyMar10/1041

Cathy McMorris exposes NIH https://twitter.com/WallStreetApes/status/1699207403055812698?s=20

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