**PRAISE GOD** - The Kingdom of Hawaii has risen.

1 year ago

The Kingdom of Hawaii has taken back its land and soil. Each individual living man and woman must take back their identity if they are interested in exercising their birthright to be free and ruled by no other man.

Our identity was stolen at birth while our mothers were under duress after child birth. They had to legally sign us over as wards of the State so we were made stateless, dead or lost at sea. We were placed under contract under British Admiralty Law, the Law of the Sea (Water), and not on the Land and Soil where we are sovereign.

We self govern ourselves on the Land and Soil jurisdiction. We are outside our jurisdiction on the High Seas or in the jurisdiction of the Air. The court rooms on the land are all run by the High Seas, so we cannot correct our status in a court room run by the bar association.

There is much to learn so let us get started. Knowledge is required. Competence is mandatory. Incompetent people are enslaved because they cannot self govern. Knowledge of the truth is required. The information is vast.
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