The Edge of Reality | Ep. 17 | The Roswell UFO Crash | The Testimony, Speculation, & Controversy

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In mid-June 1947, Rancher W.W. "Mac" Brazel discovered mysterious debris on his cattle ranch after a spat of intense lightning storms. Confused by structure, feel, and shape of the materials he recovered and took pieces of the debris to the local Sheriff. The Sheriff got in touch with the local Army Air Base, which dispatched men to investigate.

This being the height of the 1947 "Flying Saucer Craze", the US military was intrigued. What they found, and the subsequent media frenzy touched off a firestorm of controversy that has lasted for nearly 80 years.

What did the men of the 509th Bomber Wing, the world's first nuclear armed unit, find out there in the desert of New Mexico in July of 1947? Was it a weather balloon? Was it debris from an unknown non-human craft? What was recovered, and where is it now?

Tonight, we investigate and bring you up to speed on The 1947 Roswell UFO Incident.

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EDGE OF REALITY MUSICAL SCORE - Music by - "Making Sense Of The Senseless" -

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Disclaimer: Kaiser Pineapple and Pineapple Productions provides general information and discussion about real world events and related subjects. The content contained within this video should not be construed as actual advice or information and is intended for entertainment purposes only.

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