BFGC - Sep 3, 2023 Finding Contentment

1 year ago

The World will try to convince you that seeking after fame and fortune will always lead to happiness and contentment in your life, but God's Word tells a different story. The peace and joy that comes through the Holy Spirit and a relationship with Yeshua, is the only way to have real contentment and lasting satisfaction in your life.

The Bible tells us that before Yeshua returns to begin His Earthly Kingdom, the world will be filled with covetous people, chasing after material things for happiness and satisfaction, but never finding them. NT Believers have the promise of contentment in every circumstance, but only when they put away selfishness, envy, and greed, and put their trust in God and His Plans for their life. Yehovah always provides for His Own and if we are living obedient lives and trusting in His provision, we will not be disgruntled or complainers, even if we are missing the material things that the world says we need to be happy.

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Sanctify the Name of Yehovah the Father

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