Carmarthen Labour tells Starmer & Co to get stuffed.

1 year ago

The first actual revolt against attempted candidacy rigging has taken place in Wales, with the entire selection being abandoned!
Right, so it’s become a familiar occurrence to see a Labour parliamentary candidate selection be accompanied by the site of parachutes in the sky, swinging in carrying Starmer’s chosen candidates for local Labour to choose from amongst, because their local people simply won’t do. They might actually be socialists, they might actually want to offer hope and change to people, they might not want a Tory B Team candidate, so Starmer and Co make sure they can only choose from people they’ve already picked, so as to deliver the army of yes men at the next election that Team Keith want. Well it hasn’t exactly gone their way in Wales and before I go any further, I’m going to apologise in advance for any mispronounciations, Damo’s doing a Welsh story again, I get picked up on it every time, I’m heading it off before we start. Right, so we’re in Carmarthen and the local favourite to be selected for Labour to stand for parliament is a chap called Rob James, who happens to also be the opposition leader on Carmarthenshire County Council, so a significant local politician, all to the good for the Labour Party you would think. No, Team Keith it would appear don’t like him and they’ve got a properly pathetic reason for trying to get Rob James off the ballot. It all concerns a text message. The allegation is that James sent a text message in reference to the Llanelli Member of the Senedd and Welsh Deputy Climate Change Minister Lee Waters earlier this year when the topic of second homes in Wales was a key topic of debate. The allegation is that Rob James sent a text message to an unspecified person saying: ‘If you want to cause some trouble today you may want to point out in the second home debate that the MS for Llanelli has two second homes in Carmarthenshire and doesn’t live in either of them.’ Now if this were a falsehood, then you could understand this being a disciplinary issue perhaps, arguably someone who lies isn’t a good fit to be a parliamentary politician, though the message is hardly abusive, but then Labour is led by Keir Starmer who lies like a rug, a rug made out of a bearskin, a bearskin from a bear that Starmer might have claimed to have shot himself, despite a label on the rear left paw saying 100% faux fur, made in Taiwan. That kind of a liar. Anyway, the text message I am informed is actually wrong, because I’m told that Lee Waters allegedly has 4 homes, not 2, he just happens to have 2 in Llanelli, the other 2 are in Penarth. He has formally denied have three homes, which isn’t denying having four of course. So what we have here is a member of the Senedd for Labour undermining the argument over second homes it would seem and the accusation is that the Carmarthenshire County Council opposition Labour leader has attacked on of his own party. Here’s the thing though.


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Damo Rants Kernow Damo starmer,keir starmer,sir keir starmer,keir starmer labour,labour party,keir starmer labour party,keir starmer election,labour candidate selections,starmer candidates,carmarthen labour,rob james carmarthenshire,carmarthenshire county council,lee waters ms,member of the senedd,rob james text message,rob james jeremy corbyn,michael crick carmarthen,kernow damo,damo rants,jeremy corbyn,damo,labour membership,parliamentary selections,selection rigging

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