The People Made Their Own Choices...

1 year ago

New Zealand's Hipkins says there was no compulsory vaccination and that people made their own choices

They can say this, because it’s true.
People get upset with me when I say this, but ultimately, if everyone said “no,” the mandates would have been over within two weeks, and the Great Reset would have failed… at least for now. No one pinned anyone down, but they will next time.

I understand people were coerced, I understand their livelihoods were threatened, but now their life is threatened. What’s worse? Temporary pain, or permanent disability, or worse still… death.

Hopefully by Round 2, the masses will stand. We must wake the world up to their plans before they try this once more.

Believe you me, Round 2 will make Round 1 seem like a children’s playground.

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Chris Hipkins, Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand, mandatory vaccination

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