There is a REASON You see this. Read the caption 🤍

1 year ago

Stop for a moment and THNIK, whether You are truly happy trying to work Your way up, to constantly hustle, to be more masculine than feminine.

I know that with the world shouting at You to hate men, to hate other women, to not have kids, to go to the job You hate, to feel less than others, it is hard to remember what truly matters to You.

Being feminine is B E A U T I F U L, and so is being masculine. But should we really try to believe that males and females are the same? We are equal, but we are not the same, we never were, and we will never be.

As females we have our own tasks, men have theirs, and TOGETHER we make the perfect circle of life.

Don’t let the world shut off what You truly feel is true. Don’t let some ideas break what our ancestors have fought and died for, for a better future, safe homes and countries. Don’t let them down.

#feminine #matrix #openyourmind #manipulation #freeyourmind #masculinity #femininity

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