Ending the Nightmare of the Homeless, Drug Addicts, and Dangerously Deranged on American Streets

1 year ago

Mar-a-Lago, FL— In a recent Agenda47 video, President Donald J. Trump announced his plan to rescue American cities from the scourge of homelessness, the drug addicted, and the dangerously deranged.

“Our once-great cities have become unlivable, unsanitary nightmares, surrendered to the homeless, the drug addicted, and the violent and dangerously deranged. We are making the many suffer for the whims of a deeply unwell few,” President Trump said. “For a small fraction of what we spend upon Ukraine, we could take care of every homeless veteran in America. Our veterans are being treated horribly.”

President Trump will work with states to ban urban camping, offering violators the option to either receive treatment and rehabilitation or face arrest.

“When I am back in the White House, we will use every tool, lever, and authority to get the homeless off our streets. We want to take care of them, but they have to be off our streets. There is nothing compassionate about letting these individuals live in filth and squalor rather than getting them the help they need. We need professionals to help them.”

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