Triumph Over Gaslighting

1 year ago

Feeling the vibes? ❤️ it!

Poems for the Heart and Soul by Cristina Ponce.

Triumph Over Gaslighting.

In shadows deep, where truth grows dim,
Gaslight's dance begins, a devious hymn.
Distorting reality, weaving webs of doubt,
Leaving hearts and minds to twist and shout.
A subtle manipulation, a sinister art,
Playing tricks with emotions, tearing hearts apart.
Doubt takes root where trust once thrived,
In the darkness of deception, many are deprived.
But stand tall against this twisted game,
Expose the lies, unveil the shame.
For truth's unwavering, a beacon to the soul,
In the face of gaslighting, let your strength unroll.
In unity, we rise, dispelling the night,
Illuminating the shadows, bringing deceit to light.
No longer ensnared by the web's cruel art,
Together we break free, mending every wounded heart. 💔🔥🌟

Credit: Cristina Ponce


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