Episode 60 - We Will Not Comply

1 year ago

Chris and Danielle take a moment away from their election efforts to address rumblings of unpleasant news on the horizon. Armed with lessons learned and a burning need, they share what is going on and what people can do.


Psalm 93:1


Do not comply. Contact your parish level officials - sheriff, school board, parish council, parish president and/or mayor. Tell them to oppose any mandate: quarantine, masking, vaxxing from the state or federal level. Email your State Representative and State Senator: Find your Rep and Senator here: https://legis.la.gov/legis/FindMyLegislators.aspx If you are unsure, find out if they have an opponent here: https://voterportal.sos.la.gov/candidateinquiry To: Your State Rep./State Senator

Subject: We will not comply. Will you fight for us?

Body: Dear State Rep./State Senator,

Should Governor Edwards call a public health state of emergency for COVID or any other purported disease, my family and will not comply. Please confirm that you will fight for my family and the people of this district and state should any mandates come down from the state or federal government and that you will immediately go into Special Session ready to revoke it. My vote depends on it.

Contact Stephen Russo, the Secretary of Louisiana Department of Health at 225-342-9500 or via email. To: stephen.russo@la.gov


Body: Dear Secretary Russo,

Please confirm that you and your department will recommend against all lockdowns, mandates or health protocols of ANY kind regardless of CDC and NIH guidance or pressure. The people of Louisiana have a Constitutional right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and no government entity has the authority to stand in the way of that. My family and I have no intention of complying with any mandate -- internationally, federally, or state imposed. You will be a hero if you stand for the rights of the people and against the totalitarian regime's command and control tactics.

Email your Congress Member and Senator: https://www.congress.gov/members/find-your-member To: Your Congress Member/Your Senator

Subject: We will not comply. Will you fight for us?

Body: Dear Congress Member/Senator,

Please confirm that you will fight for my family and the people of Louisiana by opposing any federal emergency declarations. My family and I have no intention of complying with any unconstitutional mandates ever again. I would also appreciate it if you would go one step further and rescind and block any and all funding for the CDC and NIH based on the unfathomable and incalculable harm they have done to the people of this nation and every nation who followed their advice around the world.

Support Louisiana-first candidates by becoming a member of LACAG: www.lacag.org. Subscribe, Like, and Keep sharing the podcast. Support the show with a financial gift if you are able: glow.fm/thestateoffreedom


Danielle shares how today’s scripture reminds her to stay calm (01:25) The unwelcome conversation that needs addressing (02:38) The historic pledge at last weekend’s GOP convention (09:57) Where the State of Freedom plans to start (13:55) Trust with the Department of Health is at an all-time low (17:30) Why Chris feels strongly about the subject (25:37) On chances to change people’s minds (28:32) State of Freedom’s closing reminder for listeners (29:52)


Send feedback on the show or ask questions by visiting www.freedomstate.us or email us at info@freedomstate.us. Follow us on Instagram @freedomstate.us and on Twitter @freedomstateus To get involved with Louisiana Citizen Advocacy Group, visit www.lacag.org or email Chris at chris@lacag.org.


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Music by MarkJuly from Pixaby

Sound effects by Pixaby

Produced by Podcasting Pros

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