Pursuing Sprites in Electric Skies

1 year ago

Paul Smith is a night-sky fan and photographic artist. His fixation is sprites: colossal shocks of light that glimmer high above rainstorms. Last October, he directed NASA researcher Dr. Burcu Kosar through the country roads of Oklahoma to get one herself. In spite of the fact that she'd read up sprites for over 15 years, she hadn't yet pursued one.
Picture credits: Paul Smith, Frankie Lucena, Panagiotis Tsouras, Thomas Ashcraft. All symbolism of sprites is protected and utilized with consent.

Music credits: "The Magnificence Past" by Jeremy Noel William Abbott [PRS], Vasco [PRS]; "External Circle" by Alexander Ryder Mcnair [ASCAP], Harry Gregson Williams [BMI], Ho Ling Tang [BMI]; "Brilliant Circle" by Tom Furse Fairfax Cowan [PRS]; "Starlights" by Marc Teitler [PRS], Vasco [PRS]; "A Serene End" by Luke Gordon [PRS]; "Virtual Greetings" by Andrew Michael Britton [PRS], David Stephen Goldsmith [PRS]; "Winter Aurora" by Samuel Karl Bohn [PRS]; "Magma Stream" and "Water Dance" by Ben Niblett [PRS], Jon Cotton [PRS].

Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center
Maker: Happiness Ng (KBRwyle)
Researcher: Burcu Kosar (Catholic College of America)
Photographic artist: Paul Smith
Photographic artist: Frankie Lucena
Photographic artist: Panagiotis Tsouras
Photographic artist: Thomas Ashcraft
Videographer: Satisfaction Ng, Thomas Smith
Essayist: Lina Tran

This video can be unreservedly shared and downloaded at https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/14206. While the video completely can be shared without consent, the music and some singular symbolism might have been acquired through authorization and may not be extracted or remixed in different items. Explicit subtleties on such symbolism might be seen as here: https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/14206. For more data on NASA's media rules, visit https://nasa.gov/sight and sound/rules.

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