The "HEALTHY" Foods You Should Absolutely NOT EAT | Dr Steven Gundry & Lewis Howes

1 year ago

developed Lectin proteins to prevent predators from eating their seeds.

Lewis Howes: Gotcha.

Dr. Steven Gundry: That's why they're there.

Lewis Howes: So, what can we do? I mean, obviously, it's hard to avoid all of these foods because they're in everything. What kind of suggestions do you have for people to stay healthy, but also avoid these Lectin's?

Dr. Steven Gundry: So, there are a number of strategies. First of all, not all Lectin's are created equal. And some Lectin's are worse than others. And so, there are certain plants that are really high in really bad Lectin's, and there are other plants that are low in bad Lectin's, and actually contain some beneficial Lectin. So always keep that in mind. Secondly, and probably most importantly, Lectin's are actually denatured or removed by cooking.

Lewis Howes: Okay.

Dr. Steven Gundry: So, if you pressure cook beans or lentils, you can actually knock out most of the Lectin's. And I'm a big proponent of pressure cooking, and I have a pressure cooking cookbook that came out last year. And we actually demonstrate how to make these foods edible by pressure cooking them. And the third strategy, again, is to actually cook them in a way that removes some of these things. And so, for instance, when it comes to tomatoes, if we can actually peel the tomatoes, cut out the stem connection where the Lectin's tend to accumulate, and then cook the tomatoes skin side down or first, we can actually remove or greatly reduce the Lectin

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