Recognize Your Moment of Progress

1 year ago

After years of working in corporate America, I finally decided that it was time to take a risk and pursue my dream. I cashed in my retirement savings and used the money to start my own business. It was a daunting task, but I had faith that I would make something of myself. I reached out to everyone I knew to help get the word out about my business. I started by selling promotional products. That picture was my first direct mail to everyone I knew to announce my new business venture. There those boxes were put together with my children helping and stacked on my fireplace mantel. 😊 Eventually friends I knew were asking for my expertise in marketing and graphic design. Thus, two businesses began to form.

And before long, what started as an idea turned into something real that made a meaningful impact in people’s lives. Just last week, a project left a client in tears. Tears of happiness because her own branding was coming to life. What a gift she gave me!

As we journey through life, it is important to look at where we have come from to know where we are headed. It is comforting to look back and see how far we have grown, what lessons we have learned and how much progress we have made. Looking back at our past can help us gain perspective on the present and build excitement for the future. We can appreciate each moment of progress, both big and small, knowing that every step of the journey has brought us closer to reaching our goals.

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