The Kamloops Hoax: Fires Across Canada

1 year ago

In the wake of 2021 news that Kamloops Indian Residential School contained a burial ground, which is said to include 215 bodies — some as young as 3 years old — academics are pulling back on the claims due to lack of evidence. No digging has taken place and anthropologists say radar reveal signs of roots, not corpses. Despite this, over eighty churches were burned in Canada in revenge in the summer of 2021. Royal Canadian Mounted Police have refused to investigate or keep statistics on the number of churches burned. Pope Francis has also refused to rescind his apology made to the Native community of Canada. The United States Commission on Civil Rights has also refused to investigate, despite arson moving to Colorado churches.

Sources: Dana Kennedy, The New York Post, (May 2022)

"No Apology from Pope over Canada mass grave", DW, (June 2021)

#canadachurches #kamloops #canadaarson #churcharson #kamloopsmassgrave

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