KEN SIKARIS a | Without CHOLESTEROL: -cells fall apart -NO VITAMIN D from sun

1 year ago
presents episode 1067 | Dr Ken Sikaris
Low Carb Down Under podcast

Cholesterol: Greek word meaning bile / solid...
-without cholesterol we would
not be able to absorb fat using bile
-without cholesterol, cells
would fall apart
-precursor for vitamin D
-without it, sunlight pointless
-all steroid hormones made
from it
-liver makes 85% of it
[idea that cholesterol in diet
as bad has died]

Important lipoprotein particles of cholesterol in blood...
-liver makes VLDL
-full triglycerides & fat
-in blood, TG taken out
to muscle and other
-smaller & smaller until
cholesterol-rich LDL particle
[VLDL: TG rich]
[LDL: cholesterol rich]
-NORMALLY now LDL goes
straight back to liver

Russian scientist fed cholesterol to rabbits, caused plaques...
"Not in rats. Don't know if
valid for humans"
Ansel Keys, who put the
cloud over cholesterol...
-said the problem was fat
Keys' graphs:
-higher cholesterol; higher
heart disease
That study was corrupt
-recent studies found opposite
Higher saturated fat=less likelihood of dying

Important lipoprotein particles of cholesterol in blood...
-liver makes VLDL
-full triglycerides & fat
-in blood, TG taken out
to muscle and other
-smaller & smaller until
cholesterol-rich LDL particle
[VLDL: TG rich]
[LDL: cholesterol rich]
-NORMALLY now LDL goes
straight back to liver


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