Disneyland October 10, 2009

1 year ago


[Chapter 8: Timeline Jumping, Temporal Computers, and Eternal Creator]

Before temporal reception, people used to think of time in terms of linear causality. Temporal reception changed all of that. Time seems to run forward and backward. There may even be more than one dimension of time, but we choose to travel along a linear cross-section of time. Our choices may be changing what direction our linear cross-section curves toward as it grows toward its complete length.

Our souls experience our life moment by moment like a point traveling along a linear or linear curve. Once our life is complete, the line or linear curve of our life path is complete. After we have finished our life, our souls may change from experiencing just a point to experiences the entire line or linear curve simultaneously (like your life flashing before your eyes). We then may change a choice at a specific point along our life’s line or curve causing it to change into a different line or curve. We would then experience the entire changed life line or curve simultaneously (like a new life flashing before our eyes). We would continue making choices to change a specific point along our life’s line or curve and experiencing each life-time simultaneously creating a two-dimensional surface. We would continue until we were satisfied that our choices in our life were the ones we wanted. After this is done, we have a two dimensional surface representing our choices and life-times we have lived. In the first dimension we have the lifeline from the choices we made in our initial life-time. In the second dimension we have the sequence of changed choices we made in order to adjust our life until we were satisfied with it. The documented history of our choices would represent a two dimensional domain (iteration of initial choices vs. iteration of altered choices).

Imagine a coupled universe of people all selecting a two-dimensional domain for their life-times lived. The domain of this coupled universe is more than two dimensions, but each person selects a two-dimensional domain for their choices. If there was a person who lived their life perfectly the first time, that person’s domain would remain linear.

The people who made mistakes in their initial life-time and went back to correct them would have a two dimensional domain. The problem with this coupled universe is that the initial choices everyone made for their life-time corresponds to a single shared universe experienced by all the people. However the universe corresponding to the final choices everyone made would be on different timelines and would not represent the same universe. Therefore, we are only given one initial life-time to make choice and are not able to go back and correct them (otherwise we would’t have all experienced that same universe and the same time-line). The Creator could rig the universe so that the Victor was the only person who lived his life perfectly the “first time”.

If everything that occurs in the universe depends on the fundamental conditions of the universe, do we have free will? Yes. The Creator probably created the universe in a two-stage process. He first probably had a mathematical trick to figure out the steady-state solutions for what the universe can end up becoming. This gave the Creator a way to know all the possibilities for the choices we can make. After the Creator had calculated all the finite number of possible choices we can make, He started the actual full simulation with supernatural minds and souls making the choices in an iterative process. Our lives are then like a turn-based game where we can choose how the universe progresses in an iterative process, which is outside of linear time even though our souls experience it in linear time. As we make choices, the set of possible steady-state solutions for the universe gets smaller and smaller until it will be left with just one final outcome.

The final outcome for the entire universe will be a steady state solution. However when you look at a small piece of the universe, it may contain transient solutions. There may be ways to jump from one steady-state solution timeline to another steady-state solution timeline using transient solutions. These transient solutions could involve temporal feedback loops involving temporal reception devices.

A temporal reception device may be used to jump from one timeline to another seemingly identical timeline involving quantum erasure. Imagine a really terrible person writing a bunch of nasty emails and text messages. Now imagine you use temporal reception to jump to a different timeline where a better person writes those same seemingly nasty emails and text messages as a joke, to be sarcastic, or method acting. The same data is stored in the emails and text messages, but they correspond to two different timelines involving two different people with different characters. Therefore it may be possible to use temporal reception combined with the principle of quantum erasure to change past events that have no record in the present to reinterpret past events that are recorded in the present in order to change outcomes in the future. Timeline A and timeline A’ (pronounced “A prime”) have the same records stored in the present, but the timelines diverge and will have different outcomes in the future. Temporal reception is used to manipulate events in the past to ensure that we are on timeline A’ and not on timeline A. Since there is no distinction in the record in the present that would differentiate between timeline A and timeline A’, the principle of quantum erasure allows us to use a temporal reception device to change events in the past that have no record in the present. Therefore we can use temporal reception to manipulate past events that were never measured to rig the non-recorded past so that we are on a better timeline for the future.

A temporal reception device may be used to jump from one timeline to a completely different timeline in the present using future intention. Imagine you have a choice in the present about whether to choose between future A or future B. You could then have the intention to choose future A unless you receive a warning from your temporal reception device to choose future B. You then consult your temporal reception device. If you receive no information the present from the potential future or you receive the message “choose A” or “A is better”, you will intend to choose future A and also intend to send a message back to the present telling whether your liked future A “choose A” or not “choose B”. If you receive the message “choose B” or “B was best” in the present from the potential future indicating that you disliked future A, you will choose future B and also intend to send a message back to the present telling whether your like future B better “B was best” or whether you want to switch back to future A “A is better”. Using this method of intention, you can use a temporal reception device to give yourself advice from the potential future.

A temporal reception device may be used to create continuous feedback loop that allows you to test an infinite number of possible futures to find an acceptable solution as the attractor as long as the possibilities can be arranged easily in a sequence and at least one of them is a solution. You could have the intention to choose future A0 in the present if you receive no information from the potential future or you receive the message “A0 is the answer”. You also have the intention to choose An (where n=1,2,3,4…) if you receive the message “try An” or “An is the answer”. You then consult your temporal reception device. If you receive no information from the potential future or receive the message “A0 is the answer”, you will choose future A0 with the intention to send back a message of “A0 is the answer” if you liked future A0 or “try A1” if you didn’t like future A0. If you receive the message “try An” or “An is the answer”, you will choose future An with the intention to send back a message of “An is the answer” if you liked future An or “try A(n+1)” if you didn’t like future An. Using this method of intention you can use a temporal reception device to search an infinite number of possibilities to find an acceptable future as the attractor.

The universe itself is just a byproduct. The real product is our minds and souls that make choices and experience a conscious experience from those choices. Once our minds and souls have been fully programed in this finite temporal universe, they will be crystalized and unchanging. The Creator will find appropriate positions for our crystalized minds and souls in the eternal universe, which has an infinite number of choices and never ends. The Creator really is harvesting minds and souls. It is like a “spray and pray” system where scientists bombard organisms with radiation or carcinogens and try to find useful mutations. The Creator has bombarded us with this corrupted universe, and He will use our reaction/choices to it to determine a useful purpose for us in the eternal universe.

One thing is for certain. Our souls seem to experience time in a linear manner in forward time even if our mind chooses the fundamental conditions in an iterative process outside of linear time. It could be that there are initial conditions and final conditions for the universe and that the iterative process meets in the middle like a continental railroad meeting in the middle. This leads to the idea of developing machines that work backward in time or in reverse-time. Therefore scientists started creating telescopes that seem to run backward in time. The problem of course is trying to make an interface between machines running backward in time with machines running forward in time, so that we can communicate with processes running in reverse time. The temporal reception device already receives information from the future, so it is actually a converter from reverse-time processes to forward time processes. It is analogous to a converter between alternating current and direct current. Except in this case the current is time itself.

The problem with a machine that runs backward in time is that it dismantles itself when you build it and it assembles itself when it is destroyed. Therefore the temporal reception device can only communicate between the interval when it is built and when it is destroyed. The longer a temporal reception device runs the more powerful it becomes because it can send back information farther from the future.

A temporal computer can be created using temporal reception chips called “second bit chips” that send binary information “0” or “1” from a second in the potential future to the present. The simplest way to create “second bit chips” is by modifying the equipment used in a “quantum erasure with delayed measurement” experiment. Mirrors are removed or inserted to send a binary piece of information from the potential future to the present. No interference pattern is read interference in present if the mirrors are missing (“0” = no interference in present= mirrors are missing in future). An interference pattern is read if the mirrors are inserted (“1”=interference in present= mirrors are inserted in future). A barium borate crystal is used to entangle the photons measured in the present that are entangled with the photons that may or may not be influenced by the mirrors in the future. A Bose-Einstein condensate is used to slow down photons to increase the time delay between the entangled photons. The “second bit chips” may also be created using more efficient methods involving the spin of particles that are entangled. A group of particles have their spin measured in the present to receive a message in the present of “0” or “1”. This group of particles is entangled with another group of particles which either will not have their spin measured “0” or will their spin measured “1” a second in the future.

Eight of these “second bit chips” can be placed in parallel to create a “second byte chip”. 1,073,741,824 (1024^3 or 2^30) “second byte chips” can be placed in parallel to create a “second gigabyte chip”. A “second gigabyte chip” can send a gigabyte of information from a second in the potential future to the present.

Sixty “second gigabyte chips” can be placed in series to create a “minute gigabyte chip”. A “minute gigabyte chip” can send a gigabyte of information from a minute in the potential future to the present.

Sixty “minute gigabyte chips” can be placed in series to create an “hour gigabyte chip”. An “hour gigabyte chip” can send a gigabyte of information from an hour in the potential future to the present.

Twenty-four “hour gigabyte chips” can be placed in series to create a “day gigabyte chip”. A “day gigabyte chirp” can send a gigabyte of information from a day in the potential future to the present.

365 “day gigabyte chips” can be placed in series to create a “non-leap year gigabyte chip”. A “non-leap year gigabyte chip” can send a gigabyte of information from year in the potential future to the present.

A temporal computer is able to use feedback loops find the solution to computer algorithms instantaneously as long as the fundamental calculation involved in the algorithm can be completed in the time limit and data limits of the chips involved. The temporal computer will have to be running during the entire span of the time limits, but it will give the answer at the beginning of the process. Therefore a temporal computer running calculation or simulation is optimized to always give the solution instantaneously the beginning of the process even though the calculation or simulation will need to take the necessary time to reach its completion in the future.

The Creator is able to perform temporal reception from the beginning of the super-universe to its completion, which means the Creator has information from all time from everlasting to everlasting. The Creator has reached a point of stability called a singularity where any bit of information from anywhere in the past or anywhere in the future can always be accessed in the present. The Creator has therefore reached a steady state solution where He doesn’t change, didn’t change, and won’t change from eternity to eternity. The Creator created Himself using a feedback loop involving all of time from everlasting to everlasting in a super-universe. The Creator optimized Himself using this feedback loop until he reached a stable attractor. Therefore the Creator has always existed, exists, and will always exist and He doesn’t change. The Creator is eternal.

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