10 unexpected reasons to take the Ultimate Vitality Boost

1 year ago

Did you know that 10 most life boosting effects of the Ultimate Vitality Boost are:

*Increased energy
*Boosts fertility and libido (for both men and women)
*Increased brain power
*Boosts immunity
*Reduces inflammation
*Stabilizes blood sugar levels
*Improved blood circulation
*Nourishes your skin
*Supports digestive health
*Increased happiness

You probably already know this, but I thought it wouldn’t hurt to have a reminder of how the UVB (short for Ultimate Vitality Boost) can help you.

Recently, I got a Divine Nudge (alias a wake up call).

And, it could have ended a whole lot worse than it did!

It could have been a catastrophic 4 car pile-up…..

I was driving home at 10 pm with Cohen, my 14 years old grandson, after attending a basketball game.

Just outside Ulverstone, several cars merged onto the Bass Highway, and moved over onto the right side of the road, to make room for them, when suddenly, out of the left field a P-Plater pushed me almost off the road.

I was traveling at the speed limit and now suddenly found myself traveling on the grass at 105 km per hour narrowly missing a guide post, with the P-plater almost stuck to the left side of my car.

It was scary!

I managed to keep control of the car, by hanging onto the steering wheel and not using the brakes.

Had I slammed on the brakes, I would have lost control for sure and there would have been a pile up.

Eventually, I got back on the road, overtook the P-plater, and forced him to slow down.

I was going to stop in and give him a piece of my mind, but then I decided to let him off the hook.

On the way home, I began to wonder what this Divine nudge was all about?

Click on the below link to read Grada's Blog in full ... https://www.purplehousenaturaltherapies.com.au/10-unexpected-reasons-to-take-the-ultimate-vitality-boost/

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