More Vivek Receipts | Check Description

1 year ago

Some do not want to acknowledge or believe the numerous findings that have surfaced on Vivek the last few weeks. So I have to believe that’s simply because they have a (R) next to her name. If that’s the case why fix the system at all because it will just be right back to what it currently. If you’re still thinking the is about right vs left then you’re still comfortably asleep fren and we’re going to need you to wake up. If Nov 3rd 2020 should have taught us anything then it’s that 95% of the Republican Party are either corrupt, compromised, or cowards. We’ve got scars all over our backs from the numerous times we’ve been stabbed by our own party. Researching and vetting candidates, even if they’re running for dog catcher, is the only way to fix this and to ever keep it from happening again. We’re here because we stopped doing that and instead just blindly followed and trusted liars. That has to end. “Eternal Vigilance is price of liberty”

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