Hearing God's Voice & Message About the Rapture Timing- Have Faith in God 444

1 year ago

Have Faith in God, He's on His throne, Have faith in God, He watches over His own, He cannot fail, He will prevail, Have faith in God, have faith in God. My son called that God's fight song back in 2006 before my husband left me. On September 1, I received a message from the Lord after prayer in the early morning that He told me to write down. It was 4:44 (Jesus is at the door) when I began, and when He told me to stop and pray some more, it turned out it was 5:32 Matthew 5:32. He was saying more than what is written down, but I wrote what He told me to write. This is the gift of prophecy- 1 Corinthians 12-14, Acts 2:17-18 and everything must be tested against the Bible.

Scriptures shown: 1 John 5, Luke 16:14-18, John 17, Psalm 55-58. If you prefer the KJV, then read the verses in your KJV Bible.
#prophecy #rapture #bornagain

"Tarry, Write this down. I am the Lord your God, your Father in heaven and Jesus sits at My right hand. Trust Me. I am speaking, but few are listening. They do not want to repent and turn to Me to be forgiven of their sins. They love their sins and hate My Word. Few have been chosen to have ears to hear. Most sit in church or go to Bible studies and lean on their own understanding instead of living acknowledging Me in all their ways, trusting and obeying Me on the narrow, difficult road of righteousness that I made possible through My death on the cross and resurrection on the third day. I am the great I AM. I choose whom I will to follow My Son, Jesus Christ, and they are all over the world awaiting for Jesus to come get them, His bride.

My sheep know My voice and follow. Trust and obey. There is only one way to heaven through My Son, Jesus Christ. I give human life at conception in the mother's womb, but I give eternal life through salvation in the name of Jesus to those I have chosen to know Me, love Me and abide in Me. Abide in Me and trust Me through the afflictions, trials and persecutions. There are those who are being martyred for My sake right now, and great is their reward in heaven. John the Baptist fulfilled his calling and ministry in an excellent way, and he is the best man for My wedding with My church. My remnant church is holy and blameless and hates the same things I hate- Proverbs 6, Malachi 2:16. I particularly hate these so-called shepherds, pastors, who twist My words and excuse the sins I died for leading their followers to eternal hell with them. They will be tormented forever in blackest darkness I have reserved for them- outer darkness. They are greedy, deceivers and liars, who will hear, "Go away I never knew you who continued in lawlessness."

Sinners will have no place among the godly. Rejecting the plan of salvation and enticing others to sin shows just how lost they really are. And this goes for most who call themselves watchmen too. They don't call people to repentance and holiness. They spend hours trying to figure out what day I am coming to rapture My bride. I am coming, no doubt. But you were told to watch and be ready every day. Disregard those Feast of Trumpets-only folks or the Pentecost-only folks. My timing will be perfect and My Father will send Me when He wills. Tarry, You know it's imminent, and I told you it was after Feast of Trumpets last year (July 4, 2022 dream), but I am not...."
I asked should I stop now and continue to pray? "Yes, trust Me daughter." 5:32 am.
Matthew 5:32
32 But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.

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