NBC K-11 News: US Government Vaccine Injury Program Overwhelmed by COVID Vaccine Injury Claims

1 year ago

"Program to pay for COVID vaccine injuries seeks $15 million to fix problems"

"Vaccine Genocide: Nearly 20% More Global Deaths in 2021 and 2022, Vast Majority Non-COVID, Closely Related to Vaccination Rates"

"Angry Crowd Surrounds Bill Gates Car – Shouts “Murderer!”"

"As governments and major media struggle to explain the tidal wave of nearly 20% more, mostly non-COVID deaths worldwide which closely fits rates of COVID vaccination, and despite a Gates media operation which has given nearly a third of a billion dollars over the years for major media to call critics “crazy, evil conspiracy theorists,” it is easy to document that Bill Gates:

-Funded major hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) trials which knowingly gave possibly fatal doses of HCQ to subjects in 2020 in order to malign HCQ as a treatment for COVID. https://oye.news/news/world-news/gates-funded-hydroxychloroquine-studies-are-designed-to-kill-people/

-Used poverty stricken children in the Third World, especially India and Africa, as guinea pigs for vaccines such as Gardasil, resulting in the deaths and maiming of many children whose parents could not read a consent form. It has been estimated that Gates’ oral polio vaccine experiments in India were responsible for the paralysis of some 47,000 children. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/government-corruption/gates-globalist-vaccine-agenda-a-win-win-for-pharma-and-mandatory-vaccination/

-Paid Imperial College professor Niel Ferguson to author “Report 9,” the discredited, hastily written, non-peer reviewed paper which justified worldwide “lockdowns” and “social distancing.”

-Funded and participated in a pandemic “simulation” which uncannily resembled COVID months before the first cases were reported out of China. https://centerforhealthsecurity.org/our-work/tabletop-exercises/event-201-pandemic-tabletop-exercise.

-Most recently funded and participated in another future pandemic simulation, this one centering around a virus which is far deadlier than COVID and targeted children.

-Strangely, in 2020 Gates went on camera and smiled incongruously as he predicted there would be another pandemic after COVID that “WILL get attention.” https://www.bitchute.com/video/eFLQu0bcuCwY/

-Most frightening of all perhaps, the WHO global pandemic treaty being pushed hard by Biden would be binding upon signatory nations to obey WHO dictates upon its declaration of a “pandemic” or other health emergency. This would include dictates on lockdowns, mandatory vaccines, and digital ID/passports for all travel and participation in society. Because Gates is the single largest donor to WHO in the world, and aggressively participates in policy, the treaty would make Gates, in a very real sense, a world dictator during a pandemic. WHO president “Tedros” is well-known to be a Gates sycophant.

Gates and the World Economic Forum (WEF) are at the forefront of a drive by governments to institute universal, digital IDs to prove vaccine status, linked to surveillance technologies which will track and record the movements and every transaction, in real time, of every non-elite human on the planet. The already highly developed plan was described by WEF president Klaus Schwab, whose father was a high ranking Nazi, in his book The Great Reset.

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