09.03.23 "Healing Christianity"

1 year ago

I have been getting the clear message lately that one of the main purposes of the spiritual discipline A Course In Miracles is to heal modern Christianity. One could say it is literally a “Course Correction” for Christianity. I believe that Jesus wants us to identify broadly as Christians but that in order to do this we will have to correct, or heal, a few basic misperceptions that many traditional, Bible based Christians have. Jesus says that in spite of being “very sincere” many Christians still believe in the importance of the crucifixion itself. "The crucifixion did not establish the Atonement. The resurrection did. This is a point which many very sincere Christians have misunderstood." (OrEd.Tx.3.11)

These traditional Christians see Jesus as the ultimate "sacrificial lamb” who had to be killed as the final, "perfect sacrifice" that would put an end to sacrifice once and for all. However ACIM tells us, "Sacrifice is a notion totally unknown to God. ... Sacrificing another in any way is a clear cut violation of God's own injunction that man should be merciful even as his Father in Heaven. It has been hard for many Christians to realize that this commandment (or assignment) also applies to themselves." (OrEd.Tx.3.21) Higher than anything else, a "real Christian" would have to be merciful.

Being merciful really just means being loving, however there is an implication that we must be loving especially towards those who the world may give us the permission NOT to be loving towards. Good Christians would especially be loving towards those who have appeared to hurt them. In fact, this might be the precise sign that a person is indeed a follower of Jesus, a Christian – that ability to be loving towards those very ones who everyone would say do not deserve it. That's where the true Christian proves their faith. We are Jesus' followers, his disciples. "I must found His church on you because you who accept me as a model are literally my disciples. Disciples are followers." (OrEd.Tx.6.12) "Teachers of God" and "Miracle Christians" – our time to demonstrate who we are and to be merciful is now.

27 min.

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