BFGC - Aug 27, 2023 Prophecy Finale

1 year ago

In this final part of our Prophecy Details series, we review the Bible prophecy events that will occur from the midway point of the last seven years, until the end of the age when Yeshua returns with His Heavenly Host. We discuss the two witnesses that are provided by Yehovah to testify to and warn the people of Jerusalem. The 144,000 righteous that are sealed for their protection and then are sent out around the world to share the Gospel Message of the Kingdom and some of the rewards promised to the redeemed that are faithful unto the end. The Tree of Life and the opportunity to live in the New Jerusalem (Heaven) are promised to those that live their lives trusting in Yehovah and His Plan for the redemption of mankind. Don't let the world distract you from what God's Word predicts for your future in Yeshua and learn to grow your Faith and Trust in Him every day.

Having a basic knowledge of end time Bible events and the timeline provided by the Bible, can build your faith in God and give you strength to stay on track with the work He has for you to do today. Stop waiting for a Pre-Tribulation rescue and get busy working as an obedient disciple in the harvest field for God.

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