The Father's Love

1 year ago

A young man spent his days in a filthy pig pen. He was hungry. Far from home. Memories flooded his mind and he remembered home. He decided, I will arise and go to my father.

He had sunk so low. How did he get to such a place?

This man had rashly demanded his share of the family's estate before his father had passed on. He cashed it all in, and before long it was all gone.

He had wasted his substance with riotous living. He hit rock bottom. Truly, a Christless life is a wasted life.

The boy headed back to the father. He headed back home. Perhaps he feared rejection. Certainly he deserved nothing. Nothing but condemnation. Yet he turned his face homewards.

He arose and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion. His father ran and fell on his neck and kissed him.

This man had been a rebel. Now he was clothed in smelly rags.

Look at the Father's Heart here. The repentant waster saw his father running towards him. He saw the outstretched arms. And his fears were stilled.

The father's heart was filled with love and joy. For this my son was dead, and he is alive again. He was lost, and is found.

We see in this story the wonderful Grace of God the Father.

The father says, give him the best robe …He hath clothed me with the garments of salvation. They had stripped our Lord of His robe before He bore our sins on the cross.

Put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet.

That foolish young man had known the pains of hunger and remorse – he’d sat in the company of the grunting pigs. Now he sat in the bright banqueting hall of home, the place filled with joy and music.

He was welcomed, embraced, kissed by the father, clothed, and honoured.

The father is looking out for you. He's watching for you. He wants for you just to turn your face towards him.

The feet of the father ran, and the arms of the father reached out to receive. The big heart of the father gives and gives, and keeps on giving. Then he dances with joy, at the feasting, at the return of one sinner.

This is our God. Our Father. He offers to us the fullest fellowship - we think of the great grace of God - He still extends it.

What a reception you can know!

He takes us out of the pig-pen, and He takes us to the banqueting house.

He takes us from our poverty of spirit, from our hunger, and He gives us so much providence and supply.

He takes us out of a condemnation, and He gives us such freedom and forgiveness.

We're no longer in the pig pen. We're seated in heavenly places. We're seated around the father's banqueting table. We are no longer weighed down by guilt and condemnation. We are the objects of our father's love and joy.

We are no longer rebels and wasters - we're glad Sons and Daughters by our Father's Grace. That's the the joy of our Salvation - that we can know Him.

Our human fathers might have limitations and failings, yet Our Father God is truly gracious that He would extend such love, as pictured in the prodigal story.

I will arise and go to my father. Can you go to the father today? Come, run to the Father - He'll surely run to you.

The Father sees the humble heart. He sees that heart broken up. He sees the the guilt acknowledged. And He gives Grace to such a one.

No matter your guilt and shame, no matter the wasting, the wasted years. Turn your face homewards.

He offers you the garment of salvation. He'll get the best robe, the very best. The robe of His righteousness.

As we come unto him, what a joy. What rejoicing! The father's house is filled with joy and gladness.

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